Why did the guest cancel the booking?
Guests can cancel a booking according to the established cancellation policy. If you don’t know which Cancellation Policy is configured for your property, you can check by accessing your account and following these steps:
- Select “Configuration”
- Scroll down to “Cancellation policies” and select this option
- You can select different cancellation policies: the main one (for Holidu and channels, such as Holidu, VRBO, your website and Google VR), for Airbnb and for Booking.com
Each cancellation policy has its own rules regarding refunds and timelines that can be found under each policy.
Guests are made aware of the cancellation policy but sometimes still have a valid reason to ask for an exception to the policy. If this occurs, we will forward the request to you via WhatsApp or email. It is your decision to accept these exceptions or not.
Sometimes guests cancel and do not give us a reason. You will always receive an email when a booking is canceled.
Remember that when a guest cancels a booking, that period in your calendar will become available again for you to receive a new booking.
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