CIN - National Identification Code (Italy)
The Ministry of Tourism has introduced a new measure to ensure competition and transparency in the short-term rental market in Italy.
The Decreto Anticipi No. 145/2023 of the Suprema Corte di Cassazione, included in legge di conversione No. 191/2023, provides for the assignment of a National Identification Code (CIN) to non-hotel accommodation facilities and the creation of a dedicated database managed by the Ministry of Tourism, the Banca Dati Strutture Ricettive (BDSR).
The disposition was published in the Gazzetta Ufficiale on September 03, 2024, and the law is effective from the sixtieth day following its publication, which means from November 02, 2024. However, it should be noted that the deadline for obtaining the CIN has been set for January 1, 2025, to ensure full uniform application of the regulation across the entire national territory, as communicated on the Ministry of Tourism's official website.
As part of the regulation, tourist rentals are also required to comply with specific requirements such as:
- The installation of combustible gas and carbon monoxide detectors
- The presence of fire extinguishers
- Compliance with new safety requirements (only for professional tourist rentals)
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