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FAQ - National Identification code (CIN)

Here you will find the FAQs about this new regulation:


How can I request the CIN?

You can request the CIN through the national “Banca Dati Strutture Ricettive” (BDSR), by accessing the platform with SPID or CIE. Once you have checked the data related to your accommodation or rental property, you can proceed with the application. For more information, you can consult the official manual of the Ministry of Tourism.


Is the CIN mandatory for everyone, or are there exceptions?

The obligation to have and display the CIN takes effect from the application of the CIN regulations (Decree-Law No. 145 of 2023, Article 13-ter), which is from November 02, 2024, as communicated on the Ministry of Tourism's official website.

The following are required to request the CIN:

– Owners or managers of hotel and non-hotel tourist accommodation facilities as defined by current regional regulations and the autonomous provinces of Trento and Bolzano;

– Lessors of residential properties intended for rental contracts for tourism purposes;

– Lessors of residential properties intended for short-term rentals as defined by Article 4 of Decree-Law No. 50 of April 24, 2017, converted, with modifications, by Law No. 96 of June 21, 2017.


I already have the regional/provincial identification code. Do I also need to request the CIN?

The obligation to have and display the CIN is universal and does not allow for exceptions. Therefore, if you are required to have and display a regional/provincial code, you must also request the CIN and display both codes. In fact, the regulations regarding identification codes provided by the laws of the Regions, Autonomous Provinces, and Municipalities remain valid in any case.


I already have the regional code. I read that this will be automatically converted into a CIN without me having to apply. Is that correct?

Currently, the official procedure requires you to apply for the CIN by clicking here


I do not have a regional/provincial identification code. Do I need to request the CIN?
If you do not have the regional/provincial identification code because your Region or Autonomous Province does not require it, either generally or for your type of establishment, you still need to request the CIN.
However, if a regional/provincial identification code is required in your Region or Autonomous Province for your type of establishment, and you do not yet have it, you must obtain it before requesting the CIN.

My property is an ‘agriturismo’, do I need to request the CIN?
Yes. Even in cases where the ‘agriturismo’ category is not included in the regional tourism regulations, it is specified that obtaining the CIN is still required for this category.


What is the effective date for the application of the national CIN regulations?

The provisions of Article 13-ter of Decree Law No. 145/2023 are applicable starting from November 2, 2024. However, it should be noted that the deadline for obtaining the CIN has been set for January 1, 2025, to ensure full uniform application of the regulation across the entire national territory. This deadline is communicated on the official website of the Ministry of Tourism.
This means that from January 2, 2025, you will be subject to penalties for failure to obtain, display, or publish the CIN.


What are the risks if I don't obtain the CIN within the stipulated time?

Failing to obtain the CIN could result in fines of up to €8,000 for landlords and up to €5,000 for those who do not include it in their listings, depending on the size of the facility or property, for each facility or housing unit for which the violation is confirmed. There is also the penalty of immediate removal of any irregular listing that is published.


Where should I display the CIN?

The National Identification Code must be displayed outside the building where the apartment or facility is located, and it must also be included in every short-term rental listing, both online and offline. This requirement extends to real estate intermediaries and those who manage online portals.


I already have the CIN. Where can I enter it on Holidu?

You can enter the CIN code by following these easy steps:

  1. Log in to your account and select the property for which you want to enter the CIN code.
  2. On the left-hand side, under “Configuration,” scroll down and click on “General Information.”
  3. Click "Edit" next to the "Property Information" section.
  4. Enter the code in the corresponding field and finally click "Save."



How should the CIN be displayed outside the building?
The CIN should be displayed outside the building where the apartment or facility is located, ensuring compliance with any urban planning and landscape constraints. Considering the restrictions imposed by some condominium regulations regarding postings. It is considered acceptable to fulfill the display obligation through alternative methods to posting a sign, as long as the CIN is adequately visible to the public and the requirements set by regional and provincial sector regulations are respected.


Will the new code affect the visibility of my property on the platform?

At this time, the absence of the CIN does not impact the visibility of your property on the platform. As soon as we have more information on this, we will inform our hosts.


Who can I contact if I have problems with the integration of the new code?

Support about the CIN can be obtained by using the following contacts, active Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 6 p.m:

For assistance in the telematic procedure of applying for the CIN, it is necessary to use the assistance channels provided by the BDSR portal.


Which rental properties must meet the required safety standards?
All properties intended for short-term rentals or for tourism purposes, whether managed in a business or non-business capacity, must be equipped with functioning combustible gas and carbon monoxide detectors, as well as legally compliant portable fire extinguishers.
Properties intended for short-term or tourist rentals that are managed in a business capacity (including under Article 1, paragraph 595, of Law No. 178/2020) must also meet the safety requirements for installations as prescribed by current national and regional regulations.

When does the obligation to comply with the required safety standards begin?
The deadline for complying with the required safety standards coincides with the deadline for obtaining and displaying the CIN (January 1, 2025).

The building where the apartment I am renting is already equipped with compliant fire extinguishers. Do I need to install them inside the apartment as well?
Yes. The regulation applies to individual units, regardless of the context in which they are located.


What characteristics must the safety devices have, and how should they be installed?
Please refer to the official website of the Ministry of Tourism, where all the details are available.


Will there be webinars or guides to facilitate the transition to the new national code?

We are currently planning a webinar on September 18, 2024. You can register here. We will also share a webinar recording via email afterwards.
Additionally, you can consult the official manual of the Ministry of Tourism by clicking here.


Related article: What is the CIN

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